A non-profit whose mission is to provide low-income children (preK-middle school) and their families with academic and social support to help children reach their full potential.
Located in Chapel Hill, NC, TLT’s facility lies within the Nature Trail mobile home community and serves a primarily low-income Latinx population residing there.
TLT offers 4 programs: Preschool 4 mornings per week, after-school tutoring for kindergarten through 5th grade one day per week, an enrichment program, and a parent education program.
The preschool is taught by a full-time professional with a paid aide. Otherwise, all teachers and tutors are volunteers, many of whom are former educators.
The enrollment in preschool is 8 to 10 children; grades K-5 have a maximum of 6 students each due to volunteer and space limitations. Grades K-5 offer one-on-one tutoring. TLT is fortunate to have a large number of qualified and enthusiastic volunteer tutors.
TLT’s program is housed in a community center within the Nature Trail community which is provided free of charge by the owner. The center is within walking distance of the residents.
Seeking to involve the parent community, TLT partners with other organizations to offer parent classes and inform them of events and services that may be useful and relevant.
TLT is funded through individual donations, several grants including the United Way and Chatham County, and corporate matching gifts and has a total budget of approximately $90k annually.
TLT has a 9-member board, each serving for a 3-year term and may be elected for a second term.
The Learning Trail has a strong balance sheet and a conservative financial reserves policy.
Initiated in 2007 as a small after-school tutoring program sponsored by residents from the Governors Club in Chapel Hill, TLT continually expanded its program and was incorporated in 2014 as a 501(c)(3) and now draws volunteers and donors from a broad area.